Tag ArchivesFor the word: bp
Ten reasons why we should ALL boycott BP
Most people probably don’t need further reasons…
… but for the undecided among you here is a list of ten compelling reasons why all of us should step up to the plate and boycott BP:-

Tagged: accountable, boycott, bp, british petroleum, criminal, disaster, drill, ecology, explosion, life, mexico, negligence, ocean, oil, pipeline, platform, sea
Rant: Exxon and Shell – taking greed to a new level
Not content with the already obscene level of profit made in recent years, oil Leviathans Shell and Exxon have both reported record profits – Shell’s profits setting a new all-time corporate profit record in the UK and Exxons in the WORLD!
And all this in a week where scientists around the world have issued a Stark warning about climate change and NASA notes that 2005 was the hottest year on record for our warming planet.