Tag ArchivesFor the word: approach
Obama is only human
Today’s news story about President Obama admitting that he “screwed up” over his handling of a controversy that led two politicians to decline posts in his administration, is – I think – a welcome breath of fresh air.
One of the things that politics has increasingly suffered from in recent years (and this is particularly true of US politics) is an ever-growing tendency by Joe public to view the top dogs as infallible. If they make any kind of mistake (even comparatively small and relatively honest ones), they get crucified by the press.
This tends to create an environment where politicians do one or more of the following, whenever they “screw up”:-

Rant: Cyclones, Earthquakes and the Olympics
What a noticeable difference between the responses of the Burmese military junta to the recent devastating cyclone that ravaged large parts of the Irrawaddy Delta and the Chinese government response to the 7.8 earthquake that hit Sichuan province earlier this week.
Both countries have been run by totalitarian regimes masquerading as one-party “democracies”. Both governments have a long history of human rights violations and both have not hesitated in the recent past to use lethal force against their own people while the rest of the world mutters “shame” and continues to do not very much at all.