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If they have their way all your web browsing history will be collected and sold to the highest bidder.

Fight back!

Technology at it's most pointless

Winter Poem

by Abigail Elizabeth McIntyre

'Winter' by Abigail Elizabeth McIntyre

Shit it’s COLD!

The End


An early Christmas present to myself

Yamaha SLG100S Silent Guitar

I’ve been thinking about buying a collapsible guitar that is suitable for stuffing in a large suitcase for some time now. After looking at what was available and chatting with a few enthusiasts of various models, I settled on the Yamaha SLG100S.

Collapsible guitars are suprisingly hard to get hold of; I looked at buying one from an online retailer, but couldn’t find a supplier that either a) was based outside the UK but willing to deliver to a UK address or b) was based in the UK, had one in stock, with a decent reputation and was able to deliver one in a reasonable time frame.

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DNA Database Ruling: A Victory for Liberty

DNA Database

Yesterday’s news about the DNA database was most welcome to those of us concerned about the growing infringement of civil liberties here in the UK.

In one of the most decisive rulings to ever come out of the European Court of Human Rights’ (a unanimous ruling by 17 judges), the current policy of the Home Office to store DNA data of over 800,000 innocent citizens has effectively been shown to be what it is; a breach of civil liberties, which cannot be reasonably tolerated in a democratic society.

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Hopeless Home Office Harasses Hookers’ Habitue’s

Yamaha SLG100S Silent Guitar

After months of head-scratching, endless policy committee meetings and (no doubt) lots of expensive conferences and retreats at the taxpayers expense, Jacqui Smith our latest “Home Office Hero” has presented plans to further criminalise men who pay for sex.

And no surprise that after all the hoo-hah we find that the half-baked proposals, presented to the public are pretty much exactly like Smith herself; well-intentioned…but entirely unfit for purpose.

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US Election: a ray of hope

Barack Obama & Michelle after inaugural address 2009

The US election results announced today are a significant milestone in many respects.

Beyond the obvious landmarks such as Barrack Obama’s ethnic background and the strong shift in voting trends from Republican to Democrat, today’s events herald a resurgence in many of the fundamental ideals and beliefs that the US has purported for many years, but has failed to live up to. Concepts such as freedom and liberty have throughout most of the post-war years been subverted by a series of administrations for the purposes of US hegemony, to the detriment of people the world over.

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Credit Crunch con-trick: Who’s really to blame?

Credit Crunch

A few days ago, I was listening to one of a seemingly endless series of radio discussion programmes about the credit crunch.

Most of these programmes have a fairly low-to-middle range annoyance factor, but this particular programme really got my blood boiling, because the interviewee had the gall to state:

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Hawk Conservancy Trust: A Grand Day Out

Peregrine Falcon

When the skies suddenly cleared and the sun burst forth in an unusually enthusiastic style this weekend, we knew it was too good to miss and headed out for the day on Sunday.

We had decided to visit the Hawk Conservancy Trust, located near Weyhill, just outside Andover. We hadn’t visited the Trust before, but had heard glowing reports from friends within the Sealed Knot.

Just before 1:30pm, we strolled through the visitor’s centre and into the main grounds, armed with a complimentary copy of the trust’s highly informative booklet and map. We immediately headed up to watch the “Valley of the Eagles Flying Display”.

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