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Rave: They’re Waking Up!

Wind Turbine, North Lanarkshire, Scotland. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Interesting news article on the Beeb website today – apparently the UK is now able to produce over 2GW of electricity from wind power – only one of eight countries in the world to be able to do so.

This is of course good news and a small, but significant milestone in the move away from our over-dependence on oil/fossil fuels. What I would like to see however is a similar level of investment by the energy companies in the development of other “green” energy technology.

I’m specifically thinking of both solar and wave power. Wind turbines provide a reasonable return on investment and can be erected fairly quickly, allowing both energy companies and the government to show that they are moving towards their targets in good time. But if history has any lesson to teach about energy generation and usage, it’s that it is never a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket.

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Rave: Jack Savoretti’s “Dreamers”

Jack Savoretti

It doesn’t happen often, but every now and then I hear a track which stops me in my tracks.

This happened earlier this week, when I heard Jack Savoretti’s “Dreamers” on Radio 2.

This track has a relatively simple but touching melody, with thought-provoking lyrics and a beautiful overall arrangement that is reminiscent of artistic legends such as Nick Drake.

Savoretti’s raw, yet yearning vocals give the track a “straight from the soul” sound and the ghostly background harmonies add to the bittersweet melancholy.

“Dreamers” is due for release, by De Angelis Records as a single on the 12th February, 2007. Check it out!

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Rant: Database Deceivers

DNA Formation.  Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Over the last couple of years there has been a significant increase in the number of people who have their DNA stored in the national DNA database (NDNAD).

Most recent figures suggest that out of the 3-million or more entries, nearly a third of the entries are from people who have never been convicted, charged or even cautioned for any crime.

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Rant: Royal Mail Once Again Fails

Mail Fail

Todays BBC news carried the (almost) unbelievable story of a Postman who has been suspended for advising his customers how to opt-out of the Royal Mail’s direct marketing.

Postman Roger Annies composed and circulated a leaflet about the Royal Mail’s opt-out clause for unsolicited mail during his rounds in Barry, south Wales.

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Rant: Selfish greedy bastards!

Dubya. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

‘Dubya’ Bush and his 10-gallon hat brigade continue to avoid entering into serious discussions with any of the other G8 nations to agree to take action on climate change – despite the US being the single biggest source of carbon emissions in the world!

Instead, the perpetually smirking bastard believes that the issues of climate change and global warnings are best dealt with, by using what he calls “New Technologies”.

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Rave: Free Fallin’

Over the last 10 years, we have talked repeatedly about doing a skydive. But somehow we never progressed further; there always seemed to be something happening that meant we never managed to get it booked.

We decided it was time to take the plunge!

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Rave: Live Jive 2006

Gavin plays the Djembe

Just been along to Kev and Carrie’s annual BBQ. As always it was superb!

A full account is now on the Bandanna Club website, including a photo gallery.

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