The long awaited day has finally arrived.
An estimated crowd of over 2 million people has turned out to witness Barrack Obama’s inauguration and (hopefully) welcome in a new era of relative political honesty, integrity and accountability.
Many people were also there to do the honourable thing: which is of course to hurl abuse at George Bush and his outgoing entourage. Ahhhhh…..Few sights in the last eight years have made my happy heart do a little Pulp Fiction dance more than the sight of hundreds of people pointing at Bush and chanting: “na na na na, na na na na, hey hey, Good BYE!“. Bliss!
In a brilliant related story, a Shoe manufacturing plant in Turkey has seen a huge upturn in demand for the same shoes that were hurled at Bush a couple of weeks back. And you can even play the video game. )
Watching the inauguration, I spotted one rather depressed (and seriously overweight) looking Bush fan, bravely waving a Texas flag:-

…when I suddenly had a small epiphany.
Look closely at the Texas flag – for all intents and purposes, it’s a highly simplified, “big picture” version of the US flag. If it was a book, it would be a story about a dog called Ben, have 5 cardboard pages (with lift-up flaps) and come with a guarantee that it was waterproof and chewable.
Suddenly, the last eight years makes more sense!
Still, as the Rolling Stones once said: “but, it’s all over now”. So welcome to the real world President Obama. Nice to have you with us.

Love your description of the Texas flag! Texans are sort of growing on me, but even the normal ones are a bit loony.