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RIP: Richard Wright

Rick Wright

Very sad news today about the death of Rick Wright, talented keyboard player with the legendary Pink Floyd and often under-appreciated musical craftsman.

Wright was part of the core talent of the Pink Floyd sound, having first formed the band together with Syd Barrett, Roger Waters and Nick Mason, back in 1967.

He was a key part of the sound, recording and performing with the Floyd from their debut album “Piper at the Gates of Dawn” onwards.

His musical contributions to the band included moments of sheer genius, when he wrote “The Great Gig In The Sky” and “Us And Them” for the classic 1973 album “Dark side of the Moon”.

Following an acrimonious falling-out with Waters during the recording of “The Wall” in 1981, Wright was fired from the band by Waters but later toured with the Floyd on their Wall tour.

Ironically, as a salaried musician, Wright was the only band member to make any money from the tour.

Between times, Wright produced some excellent solo work, including the commercially unsuccessful but interesting “Wet Dream” album in 1978 and “Broken China” in 1996, which he was inspired to create after rejoining Pink Floyd in 1984.

Rick Wright was an exceptional musician and an integral part of the Pink Floyd sound. David Gilmour said:

“In the welter of arguments about who or what was Pink Floyd, Rick’s enormous input was frequently forgotten. He was gentle, unassuming and private but his soulful voice and playing were vital, magical components of our most recognised Pink Floyd sound.”

He died after a short struggle with an unspecified form of cancer.

Another diamond fades to black…

He will be missed…

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