As most people will be aware, the world’s largest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider is due to be switched on for the first time, this Wednesday the 10th September.
When the LHC switched on, it is hoped that the data collected from the collision of sub-atomic particles will go some way to providing information on how the universe began, right back at the dawn of time, with the big bang.
Beyond the initial benefits to the pure science fraternity, the information gained from the experiment could conceivably provide the foundation for a whole new technological age. Previous advances in Physics such as Quantum Mechanics gave birth to a huge range of technological advances, including the subsequent development of modern computer and network/telecommunications technology. That in turn blossomed into advances in everything from medicine to space travel. Imagine what an advance of this magnitude could provide?
It’s also been theorized that it could create a series of micro black holes, any one of which could swallow the entire planet in a matter of minutes and then the rest of the solar system for good measure.
The odds of this are of course super-miniscule and scientists are expounding the phrase that is printed in large friendly red letters, on the front of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (“DON’T PANIC!”)
I don’t know about you, but I feel better
I guess the only solace we can take is that if the white-coats screw it up badly, we’ll all cease to exist before we get a chance to lodge a complaint.
Hope to see you back here on Thursday.

We won’t be going out with a bang then, best go down the pub and get pissed, should go some way to allowing for some life satisfaction before the end…..the LHC will a long time before it starts to actually collide the particles at any rate….good thing is, hopefully it should take out switzerland and most of france before it gets to me in the UK……should have time for a decent beer sesh….
At first, I was kind of hoping for an accidental black hole, if only to have stories for the grandchildren. But I immediately saw the flaw in my wish…