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The diaTribe blog is our occasional take on life, the universe and everything. Observations on current affairs, the environment, politics, humour and music/gig reviews. Travel diary and extreme sports stories, along with the usual rants/raves are also chucked in for good measure.

September 2008
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Monthly Archives: September 2008

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Hawk Conservancy Trust: A Grand Day Out

Peregrine Falcon

When the skies suddenly cleared and the sun burst forth in an unusually enthusiastic style this weekend, we knew it was too good to miss and headed out for the day on Sunday.

We had decided to visit the Hawk Conservancy Trust, located near Weyhill, just outside Andover. We hadn’t visited the Trust before, but had heard glowing reports from friends within the Sealed Knot.

Just before 1:30pm, we strolled through the visitor’s centre and into the main grounds, armed with a complimentary copy of the trust’s highly informative booklet and map. We immediately headed up to watch the “Valley of the Eagles Flying Display”.

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RIP: Richard Wright

Rick Wright

Very sad news today about the death of Rick Wright, talented keyboard player with the legendary Pink Floyd and often under-appreciated musical craftsman.

Wright was part of the core talent of the Pink Floyd sound, having first formed the band together with Syd Barrett, Roger Waters and Nick Mason, back in 1967.

He was a key part of the sound, recording and performing with the Floyd from their debut album “Piper at the Gates of Dawn” onwards.

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Physics Milestone or Lodestone?

Star Gases

As most people will be aware, the world’s largest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider is due to be switched on for the first time, this Wednesday the 10th September.

When the LHC switched on, it is hoped that the data collected from the collision of sub-atomic particles will go some way to providing information on how the universe began, right back at the dawn of time, with the big bang.

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Farewell UCB

M4 Commute

Another contract completed and it’s time to move on again. I’ll miss the team and the interesting work but not the pre-dawn commute to beat the traffic. wink

Feels a bit weird to be largely unemployed again…the last 2-3 contracts have been largely back-to-back and have all been pretty busy, so I’ve not had a lot of time to focus on other things. It’s going to take a couple of days to get into another groove.

Ah well, on we go…

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My South Park Character

Plucking Phil

Courtesy of one of my work colleagues at UCB-Celltech in Slough, is my very own South Park Character (the whole team has one).

It’s been reworked with Su’s help (she thinks that I’ve downplayed the grumpiness element of my character, but it’s my character and I can have what I want! lol)

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