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Only in Wales…

Life of Brian

News today that the Welsh town of Aberystwyth continues to ban Monty Python’s classic film “The life of Brian” almost 30 years after it was first released, made me laugh out loud.

According to the BBC, this came to light after Sue Jones-Davies (who played Brian’s girlfriend in the movie), became mayor of Aberystwyth and was “amazed” to find that the cult film was still barred from cinemas there.

And local Christians including Mr Bell, vicar of the town’s St Michael’s Church, say the restriction should remain in place. Of course Mr Bell has never actually seen the film, but no doubt God has described the plot to him (it is by all accounts one of God’s favourites).

Apparently, a committee of church leaders in Aberystwyth recommended a ban in 1979 which was approved by Ceredigion council. The council of course have the power to lift the ban, but by all accounts no-one in the licensing department even knew the ban was still in effect. Let’s hope they rectify this silly sitch and drop-kick the ban out of one of the last bastions of medieval mentality, left in this green and pleasant land.

Oh, and a couple of points for Mr Bell and his “supporters”:-

  • Congratulations! The recent publicity about this ban has probably guaranteed a small rise in DVD sales of the film.
  • The film is a comedy but is NOT a comedy about Jesus (though he does have a small cameo role).
  • Jesus is big enough to laugh off any parody or satire. Honest!
  • Welease Bwian!
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One Comment for: Only in Wales…

  1. Visitor Comment # 1
    Bryan Jones : (Visitor)

    Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition (especially in Wales)

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