Well…my 40th birthday is not too far away now.
I have to say I’m a little ambivalent about it all; On one hand I’m aware of passing another of life’s milestones and that naturally gives me pause for thought. On the other hand, the first 4 years of the new millennium were (for me at least) largely crap and I’m not sorry to see the back of them.
Fortunately the last year or two have shown marked signs of improvement and this year especially, I’ve had some brilliant times. Obvious highlights were the Hyde Park gigs, the annual BBQ/Live Jive gig at Kev’s place and most recently the Skydive, but there have also been other noteworthy events including birthday parties, housewarmings, weddings and christenings – all of them opportunities to get together with friends and loved ones! Not a bad summer at all…I think you will agree!
I’m not sure I’m much wiser than I was at 30 (or 20) and I’m probably a lot more cynical than I was (or should be) – need to work on that I guess. The only thing I am sure of is that I’m older!
I’m not sure what the future holds…2007 looks like being a year of major change and upheaval…
Guess I’ll just have to stroll on down the road and see what’s there.
Postscript: 40th Birthday party was a blast: See the photo gallery for a few shots.

Welcome to middle age – its all downhill from here.
Dirty 30′s are fun – but naughty 40s are better
Life begins at 40