Dizzy dame Davina McCall is getting miffed about all those nasty little comments people are making about “Big Bother”. She claims that her critics are all “pseudo-intellectuals who have never really watched it”.
Sorry Davina, but right from the beginning this has been television equivilant of septic tank effluent and nothing more than a platform for a handful of fat, talentless, brainless chavs/trailer trash to show the world how truly stupid they really are…it’s all it ever was and all it ever will be.
And if – as McCall claims – the show’s contestants represented a balance of British society and are not “freaks”, then we are ALL truly in trouble!
For me, the one positive thing that has come out of this crapola “pseudo-television” is that it has finally pushed me to cancel my TV license…and I’ve never been happier!