Daily Archives: August 16, 2005
Chavez tweaks Bush’s Nose
As Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez continues to harrangue DEA agents, (who he accuses of spying on his government) it now looks like the flamboyant and outspoken “El Presidente” is prepared to hit the US where it REALLY hurts…in the oil barrel!
In a BBC News Article published today, Chavez has suggested that Venezuelan oil “instead of going to the United States, could go elsewhere”.
As Venezuela exports about 1.3 million barrels a day to the US and is the world’s fifth largest oil producer, one wonders how long it will be before the Bush administration claims that Venezuela posesses WMD’s (does cocaine count?) and invades?
Oi vay!

Rant: Davina – get a LIFE!
Dizzy dame Davina McCall is getting miffed about all those nasty little comments people are making about “Big Bother”. She claims that her critics are all “pseudo-intellectuals who have never really watched it”.
Sorry Davina, but right from the beginning this has been television equivilant of septic tank effluent and nothing more than a platform for a handful of fat, talentless, brainless chavs/trailer trash to show the world how truly stupid they really are…it’s all it ever was and all it ever will be.
And if – as McCall claims – the show’s contestants represented a balance of British society and are not “freaks”, then we are ALL truly in trouble!
For me, the one positive thing that has come out of this crapola “pseudo-television” is that it has finally pushed me to cancel my TV license…and I’ve never been happier!

Thinking about Going Ape
A mate of ours has just booked us on what sounds like a bit of a larf…a place called “Going Ape” in the nearby Moors Valley park.
The Moors Valley website describes it as:
“an extreme high wire forest adventure, not for the faint hearted. Strapped into a harness, participants traverse from tree to tree just below the canopy and negotiate rope bridges, scramble nets, tarzan swings and zip slides. Go Ape! and enjoy 2+hours of adrenaline-fuelled fun, laughter and adventure.”
Well, I sure as hell could use the exercise and it looks like fun…watch this space.
See This entry for more details