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A small pause for thought

Pause the Clock.

15 years ago yesterday, I stepped out of a taxi in Basingstoke and walked through the doors of Barclays Mercantile to begin my first day as a shift operator.

15 years later – to the day, I watched the launch of the new Centrex Website. This website represents the culmination of many months of hard work for the all folks involved – including me. I’ve worked around 50-60 hours a week for over 6 months to make this website a reality.

Where does the time go…?

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R.I.P Ronnie

Ronnie Barker

Sad news this week about the passing of Ronnie Barker, who was a much loved figure in millions of homes all over the world.

As a kid growing up in the 70′s I remember “The Two Ronnies“, “Porridge” and “Open all hours” as particular favourites, but there were of course many others; the one thing you could be certain of, is if Ronnie B was on the screen, you would have a laugh!

Ronnie was also the first to recognise the talents of David Jason and Nicholas Lyndhurst and it could be said that he helped plant and nurture the seeds that would grow into the much-loved Peckham partnership of Del-boy and Rodney. He was also a prolific writer, an excellent actor and from all accounts a very nice bloke to boot!

So long Ronnie and thanks for the memories!

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“God’s” President?

Bush receives instruction.

In an interesting story on the BBC website, the White House have claimed that Dubya did NOT invade Iraq after being told to, by God.

Well that’s a relief! I’m sure the 350,000+ civilian dead will be as pleased as I am to know that the White House has not started addressing Dick Cheney as “God” (at least not yet).

I wonder why “God” doesn’t tell Dubya to invade countries without massive oil reserves? roll eyes

Anyone else know why…? confused

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Report on Going Ape

Don't look down!

Finally got down to Moors Valley Country Park – for the long-awaited high-wire adventure with Go Ape.

A full account is available on the Bandanna Club website and includes a photo gallery.

Cheers to Nick for organising a grand day out!

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Life-changing moments

Sunset Beach Get Together

It’s been an eventful week here…a week that has seen an emotional rollar-coaster ride of worry and relief, of sleepless nights and stress for all of us…

It’s all been related to a nasty health scare that one of our number found themselves subjected to…put simply, the words of a certain Mr. McGraw:-

“I spent most of the next days, looking at the x-rays, talking ’bout the options and talking ’bout sweet time.”

…were certainly ringing in my ears.

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Rave: Habib Koite

Photo Credit: by Tom Beetz (Habib Koit) (CC-BY-2.0), via Wikimedia Commons.

A couple of weeks ago, I popped over to see two of my best friends and to attend my Godson’s birthday party.

After all the little darlings had run out of the energy they obtained from ingesting copious quantities of processed sugar all day, we finally packed them off to bed and gratefully collapsed in the conservatory. Around midnight, we flicked on the radio and over a large coffee, listened to Bob Harris on BBC Radio2.

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Rant: Christian Coalition?

Oops! Another US blunder, highlighted today on the BBC website which should serve to remind us that religious extremism is by no means restricted to the Islam faith.

Right wing “christian” nutcase (and FAR more worrying – ex presidential candidate) Pat Robertson has publicly urged the US to assassinate the new thorn in their side – Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

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