Events - Good Times (Party Page - Fancy Dress)

As you might expect from a bunch of people who regularly don 17th-Century costume to get drunk and enjoy a good battle (not necessarily in that order of importance ... but possibly), we do tend to end up going to a lot of parties in one form of fancy-dress or another.

The list is too numerous to detail, but here's some photos and explanations from some of the more memorable ones:

SK Musters are raucous and mostly a good laugh and some of the best parties are on the August Bank Holiday weekend.

Every year there is a different fancy dress theme. For example we have had a World War II party ... where Tosh dressed as a para and parachuted into any random conversation, wielding a supermarket plastic bag. Phil dressed as death, complete with skull face makeup, monks' cloak and cowl plus a full-sized scythe; and freaked everybody out in the beertent and outside in the dark. There was a make up your own superhero/heroine party (where one party, who shall remain nameless, went as PMT Woman ... and Tosh sweated it out in a full divers' neoprene wetsuit) and many others.

Below are some photos from a 70s movie/icon party at Ripley Castle, Yorkshire in 1997.

Wonder-Woman and Jimmy Hendrix (Becca and Tosh)Wonder Woman & Jimmy Hendrix
Photo: P.McKenzie
Elwood and Jake Blues plus disaster movie victim (Phil & Neil)Blues Brothers (plus disaster movie victim & Vietnam Vet)
Photo: S.Lawrence

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