Events - Diving
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This page provides links to various diving excursions that we have undertaken (see links in left-hand border). We have also included a range of external links which contain useful information about some of the places we have visited.
For those of you who have never tried this fantastic sport, I strongly recommend you have a go at this - perhaps next time you are on holiday in the Med or a similar location, where you have the time and the inclination.
Many diving clubs at various holiday resorts offer a "Try a dive" option, which allows you to at least get a taste of what the sport is like, by taking an hours dive in a sheltered bay where the waters are very calm and shallow, under the watchful eye of an experienced instructor (make sure the dive shop or club you select is properly certified and ensure that your travel insurance provides proper coverage prior to travelling). Once you've had a taste of it, I am sure you'll want to do more.
There are a number of different course and qualification options, offered by several organisations. Two of the largest and most widely recognised recreational diving schools are PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) - the US standard, and BSAC (British Sub Aqua Club). Both training methods and qualifications are recognised throughout the world and both offer in-depth and intensive courses, with a strong emphasis on diver safety.
The feeling of weightlessness is wonderful and the first time you achieve neutral buoyancy in the sea gives you a real feeling of accomplishment
If you plan to do most of your diving in the warmer tropical waters of places like the Med etc, then the PADI option is probably more suitable. However, if you are planning to dive in the cooler waters of the Atlantic (particularly around the UK) then the BSAC plan may be more suitable.
Unfortunately the waters around some parts of the UK are not the nicest place to dive (the waters are cold, polluted in a number of places and visibility is rather limited, due to the large amounts of silt at many locations). That said, there are also some very good dive sites, particularly in Scotland and parts of Ireland.
Initially it takes a little getting used to. Breathing under water is not a natural act for a human being and it takes a few minutes to get you breathing under control when you first start. Most dive schools start their beginner programmes in a swimming pool, where the students feel more comfortable and can therefore relax and concentrate on their diving fundamentals. Once you get a handle on your equipment and start to gain a little control over your movement and buoyancy, the real fun begins.
The nicest thing about recreational diving is that the more you relax, the more you enjoy it! The feeling of weightlessness is wonderful and the first time you achieve neutral buoyancy in the sea gives you a real feeling of accomplishment.
Once you have completed your basic qualifications, you can then branch out into a number of specialist areas. For example If reef-diving is your thing, you can do a specialist course on it, to help you get the most out of your particular favourite.
Diving is a great way to meet new people, make new friends, get plenty of exercise and explore the last great frontier left on Earth...the sea. Give it a won't be sorry.
If you are interested in learning more about this incredible sport, I suggest you visit either the PADI or BSAC site for further information.