Welcome to the Bandanna Club
Most Popular Content
Thailand 2009
Photo Gallery
Hawk Conservancy 2008 Photo Gallery
Hyde Park 2008 Photo Gallery
Hong Kong 2006 Photo Gallery
Skydiving 2006
Photo Gallery

“ Getting an education was a bit like a communicable sexual disease. It made you unsuitable for a lot of jobs and then you had the urge to pass it on. ”
Terry Pratchett
The Bandanna Club was established in 1995 on a diving trip to Malta. This site details our exploits and travel experiences in the years since then. It might not be the most exciting thing since sliced bread, but it is in our own way an effort to make the best of things and to find time to concentrate on what really matters.
The club members are getting along in years now, so less cage diving with great whites and more sitting on the beach watching the world go by. When you get to our age even watching a sunset is an exhilaration. Your perspective changes somewhat.
These pages celebrate the spirit of our organisation, which can be summed up by the three "F's" that are our motto:
Fun Freedom FriendshipWe hope you enjoy our exploits.
Most Recent Content
Sydney 2012 Photo Gallery
MacLaren Falls Park 2011 Photo Gallery
Te Puna Quarry Park 2011 Photo Gallery
Katikati Bird Gardens 2011 Photo Gallery
Last updated on: 29th September 2022