Andy's Travel Page (Arctic Expedition)
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Photo: T.Ryan
Over the last 20 years Andy (one of the founder members of the Bandanna Club) has both taken part and led various solo and group expeditions from Jungle to Arctic Climates.
On Monday 17th November 2003 he set out on an expedition into the Arctic Circle, where temperatures average minus 30 degrees Centigrade; with wind chill this can drop as low as minus 80 degrees!

Photo: A. Patterson
Arriving at Stockholm airport Andy flew to his base camp in Jugarsvi, just outside Kiruna (the most northern town in Sweden), situated 300 km inside the Arctic Circle. For part of the trail Andy was alone with his dog team in the Arctic wilderness, drawing on his previous experience and the intense training required to survive in sub-zero conditions. He also spent at least one day travelling over treacherous pack ice, over the Arctic Ocean.
Here's what Andy has to say about the details of this incredible undertaking:
"The expedition itself was very demanding and involved a long period of training (around 7-10 days) to include fire building, cooking for myself and dogs, building night camps, finding water, navigating and kennel craft in Arctic conditions as well as Arctic survival just in case. After this training was finished, I was accompanied onto the trail for around 3 days by TAISTO THORNEUS * (a legend in Arctic Dog Driving) who guided me further through the details of life on your own on the Arctic trail.

While I am not a stranger to driving dogs in Arctic conditions, the final stage was very new to me. I then mushed and navigated the team of dogs across the Arctic for about 240 kilometres, which took 4 days.
The trip involved living under canvas or similar in these conditions for around 14 days".
*TAISTO THORNEUS is a native of northern Scandinavia, who speaks English and Finish as well as Swedish, and has long experience in the Arctic wilderness. He has spent over 15 years as a professional sled dog musher, has won numerous national and international sled dog races and made a 1,700 km sled dog expedition across the Scandinavian mountain range in 1983, the longest such trip on the mainland of Europe at that time. He is a pioneer in Dog Sledding and Arctic Survival.
Expedition Date: Monday 17th November 2003 : Time 16 Days
Location: Arctic Circle - Norway & Sweden

This spectacular expedition raised money for Headway