Mellie's Page

Photo: P.McKenzie
Well here I am...did they HAVE to put THAT photograph of me up here? I'm really embarrassed now! It's a dog's life you know... well it is for me at any rate.
Just for your information, I don't usually go around wearing a tea-towel on my head... I'm not completely crazy ok? It's those pack leaders of mine, always doing something silly... still they are the boss and I eat regularly and go on lots of trips so I can't complain too much. They certainly are efficient hunters and all that, not that I ever go on their hunting trips which isn't fair is it? That's what being in a pack means... to run with the wind, the law of nature and all that.
All I get is these strange tubular metal things, that they attack with something that goes round and round... or odd square things that they shake at me and are full of crunchy stuff. I eat the insides of these weird animals, but couldn't I chase them just to keep in practise and maybe catch them myself? Mind you, they don't move much ... maybe they stun them first. Anyway takes all the fun out of it. Not sure my wolf cousins would approve.
Now rabbits at least are fun, but I'm never allowed to chase them... oh no! I wouldn't mind sharing my catch or anything, but they have to be in charge ... well them and the cat... not quite sure who's the top dog around here. I think perhaps the cat; she certainly seems to think she's the boss anyway.
Woof! Gotta go - time for my walk. Catch YOU later..... naa just joking... I'll stick to rabbits or else I really will be in the doghouse!
Come back and visit anytime!
Love Mellie